Calendar of Liga Autonómica Senior Masculina 2ª Division 22-23


Jornada 2 10/01/22

Team Video Date Periods Result
Look C.W.Sharks BC.W.Sharks B CLUB WATERPOLO SAN JAVIERCLUB WATERPOLO SAN JAVIER Sun, 12/11/2022 18:15 GMT+1 Piscina Municipal Benimámet 5000000050 Sun, 12/11/2022 18:15 GMT+1 Piscina Municipal Benimámet
Look C.N.A.Morvedre BC.N.A.Morvedre B C.W. PETRER BC.W. PETRER B Sun, 12/18/2022 13:15 GMT+1 7020202010 Sun, 12/18/2022 13:15 GMT+1
Look C.W. Levante BC.W. Levante B C.W.Pta de ValenciaC.W.Pta de Valencia Sat, 02/04/2023 16:45 GMT+1 Piscina Municipal Benimámet 51433042106 Sat, 02/04/2023 16:45 GMT+1 Piscina Municipal Benimámet
Look C. Waterpolo AlicanteC. Waterpolo Alicante rest
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